Property Management vs. Self-Management: Which Is Right for You?

Managing a rental property involves numerous responsibilities and decisions. One crucial decision is whether to hire a property management company or handle the management yourself. Each option has its pros and cons, and understanding them can help you make an informed choice. In this article, we'll compare property management and self-management to help you determine the right approach for your rental property.

1. Property Management

Property management involves hiring a professional company to handle the day-to-day operations and tasks associated with your rental property. Here are some key aspects of property management:

Pros of Property Management:

  • Expertise and Experience: Property management companies have extensive knowledge and experience in managing rental properties. They understand local rental market dynamics, legal requirements, and best practices for maximizing rental income.

  • Time and Stress Reduction: Property management frees up your time and relieves you from the stress of handling tenant inquiries, maintenance requests, and emergency situations. Professionals take care of these responsibilities, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life or investment portfolio.

Cons of Property Management:

  • Cost: Hiring a property management company comes with a fee, typically a percentage of the monthly rent or a fixed management fee. This cost should be factored into your overall budget and financial calculations.

  • Less Control: Entrusting your property to a management company means relinquishing some control over day-to-day operations. While they work on your behalf, you won't have the same level of involvement in decision-making.

2. Self-Management

Self-management involves personally handling all aspects of your rental property, from advertising and tenant screening to maintenance and rent collection. Here are some considerations for self-management:

Pros of Self-Management:

  • Cost Savings: By self-managing, you can avoid paying property management fees, which can significantly impact your overall rental income.

  • Direct Control: Self-management allows you to have direct control over all decisions and operations related to your property. You can set your own policies, select tenants, and manage the property according to your preferences.

Cons of Self-Management:

  • Time and Effort: Self-management requires significant time and effort. You need to handle advertising, tenant inquiries, screening, lease agreements, rent collection, maintenance requests, and addressing any property-related issues. This can be particularly challenging if you have multiple properties or a busy schedule.

  • Expertise and Knowledge: Successfully self-managing a rental property requires knowledge of local rental laws, marketing strategies, tenant screening techniques, and property maintenance. Inadequate knowledge or experience may lead to costly mistakes or legal issues.

  • Availability and Responsiveness: As a self-manager, you need to be available and responsive to tenant needs, emergencies, and maintenance requests. This can be demanding, especially if you have other commitments or reside far from your rental property.

Ultimately, the choice between property management and self-management depends on your specific circumstances, preferences, and resources. Assess factors such as your available time, expertise, financial situation, and comfort level with delegating responsibilities. Consider consulting with a property management company, like My Vic Property Management, to discuss your options and gather insights to help inform your decision.

Remember, whether you choose property management or self-management, it's essential to stay involved and informed about your rental property. Regularly evaluate your decision and make adjustments as needed to ensure the optimal management approach for your property.


Property management and self-management each have their advantages and disadvantages. Property management offers expertise, time savings, and stress reduction, but it comes with a cost and a reduced level of control. Self-management allows for cost savings and direct control, but it requires significant time, effort, and expertise.

Consider your personal circumstances, goals, and resources when deciding which approach is right for you. Assess your available time, knowledge of rental laws, ability to handle responsibilities, and financial considerations. It may be helpful to consult with a property management company, like My Vic Property Management, for guidance and to discuss your specific needs.

Remember, regardless of your choice, maintaining open communication with tenants, staying informed about rental laws, and regularly evaluating your management strategy are key to ensuring a successful and profitable rental property.

MyVic Property Management would be happy to offer our services if you are looking for a property manager in Edmonton, Alberta. See more info on our company at the below links.






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